Prep Year is offered to all children who turn five years of age on or before June 30 in the year they wish to commence Prep.
The Prep Year is a five-day-a-week, full school day program to help children become familiar with the school environment and school life.
The St John's Parent Handbook can be found here.
Children who turn five years of age between 01/07/18 – 30/06/19, will be eligible to start Prep in 2024.
Children who turn five years of age between 01/07/19 – 30/06/20, will be eligible to start Prep in 2025.
Children who turn five years of age between 1/07/20 - 20/06/21, will be eligibale to start Prep in 2026
Each child is unique, with different interests, needs and motivations. This means that each child's transition from Kindergarten to Prep will be different. There are many things you can do now to support your child to have a great start to school.
Click through the key areas below to view helpful hints to assist your family to enjoy a smooth transition into what is a foundational and exciting chapter of your child's education.
Walker Learning is Australia‘s first major play and project-based holistic pedagogy. It is internationally acclaimed and has been implemented for over 20 years across Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Walker Learning is an intentional teaching and learning approach for children in their early childhood and primary years.
The Walker Learning approach is not an inquiry model or program that is separated from other curriculum areas. Instead, is a total approach teaching and learning tool that provides a unique balance between the children being active participants in their learning and explicit instruction.
The Walker Learning Approach provides systems and practices that hold together teams of early childhood educators and teachers in a consistent approach that ensures continuity and predictability for children, educators and families.
The uniqueness of the Approach is that it provides a consistency of core elements that are appropriate for the specific age and development of children and their learning requirements as they progress through their education.
This sets children up to be engaged, lifelong learners who have a toolkit of learning strategies and knowledge to draw on as they move throughout the ages and stages of their lives.
We invite applications for enrolment through our online enrolment. All families wishing to apply for enrolment at St John's, including our existing families, must submit an online enrolment application. After submitting an enrolment application, families will be contacted by a staff member at St John's to schedule an interview and school tour. Each year we host Prep Open Day to allow children the opportunity to experience a day in the life of St John's. Offers for enrolment are made within two week of Prep Open Day.