Our Parent Handbook provides a comprehensive A-Z overview of key information to assist our families to navigate our school purpose, procedures and expectations.

Our Behaviour Management Guide provides an integrated approach based on the principals of learning, safety and respect to ensure our students reach their full potential as learners and citizens.
Our Uniforms Guide sets out our school uniform expectations for our students. Uniforms are purchased from the St John's Uniform Shop.
Parent Lounge is home to a host of important information for your child's St John's journey, including school fee payment, excursion information, parent teacher interview bookings and academic reports.
St John's students access the Student Portal using their student login to access important digital learning tools, such as Google Drive.
The travel rebate links to the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) which provides financial assistance for eligible families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland.
St John the Baptist CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL P&F Association
Our Parents' and Friends' Association meets regularly. All parents are encouraged to take an active part in this aspect of the school’s life. There are also a number of sub–committees that are doing great work for the school.
The role of the Parents and Friends Association (P & F) is to support the school in fundraising for projects and to enhance the spirit of the parent body. An Annual General Meeting is held in February to elect Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members. The offices include President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Committees are formed with specific tasks in mind.
These committees may include:
Religious Affairs
Social and Fundraising
Working Bee/Maintenance
The Chairperson of each committee is part of the Executive. The St John's Parents & Friends Committee welcomes everyone to attend the P&F meetings. We meet twice a term. Meetings start at 5:30pm on Monday of Week 2 and Week 9 of each term. The P&F meetings offer a family friendly environment and are held the school staffroom. A copy of the P&F Constitution is available at the Office.
Lindsay Windress
Vice President
Yvonne Anderson
Helen Attard
Assistant Secretary
Monica Erridge
Tennille Pimm
Assistant Treasurer
Shanice Peterson
Event Coordinator
Sarah Edward
The history of School Boards in Queensland can be traced back to the Project Catholic School, a research project undertaken by the Queensland Catholic Education Commission in 1977. One key recommendation to emerge from this project was the need to make sure catholic Schools had strong links to the local community; one way of doing this was to establish local School Boards.
This philosophy of ‘shared wisdom’ allowed Boards to develop a model that was more about ‘consultation’ rather than ‘decision making’; this philosophy is a feature of the St John’s Board which seeks to work toward the achievement of the Church's educational mission.
The aim of the Board is to assist our school to fulfil its Catholic Educational responsibility within the terms of the general pastoral and educational goals of the Diocese.
The first responsibility is to assist the principal and staff to apply the ideals stated in our school's Mission Statement: to ‘Prepare the Way’ for our students, so they know the truth of Christ, are true before God, true before all and lead meaningful lives, now and into their futures.
The Board acts in an advisory role to the principal in relation to specific decision making responsibilities in the areas of policy, provision and maintenance of buildings, budgeting, communication, curriculum and staffing. A shared wisdom process of discernment is the basis of the Board's decision making process..
Membership of the School Board consists of ex-officio, elected and co-opted members. Ex-officio members are the Parish Priest, Principal and where applicable a representative of any religious order providing staff to the school. Elected members include a member of staff, parents, and a parishioner. The Board can co-opt members to become full members of the Board. Parent members on the Board are elected for a two-year period and are chosen based on their faith dimension and their specific talents such as financial expertise, pastoral wisdom, managerial experience or local knowledge.
To be eligible to elect or be elected, a person must have participated in a pre-service Board Education Program. This program ensures a clear understanding of the philosophy and the aims and responsibilities of the Board.
The School Board is a pastoral body consisting of parent members, the Principal, the Parish Priest and a staff member. The function of the School Board is to support the Principal and advise on matters of existing policy and in the formation of new policies.
It must be stressed that the School Board is a Pastoral Advisory body to the Principal.
Our school Board meet twice per term. Board members include staff and parish representatives.
Our current Chair is Mrs Kerith Roby.
The School Board is an open and effective body which welcomes any questions, comments, suggestions or ideas you may have.
All correspondence can be addressed to:
School Board
St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School
15 J Hickey Avenue
We recognise the central role that parents play in encouraging the growth of their sons and daughters. We believe that a collaborative learning partnership between the student, teacher and parent is vital for success.
We encourage parents to help their child become self-managing by discussing their learning and supporting decision-making.
Children can grow with confidence when their developmental needs are supported from school and home. Before students move into adolescence, they can take on challenges, make mistakes and achieve success knowing that their school and parents are working together.
Parents at
St John the Baptist
Catholic Primary School
are valued as
genuine partners
in education.
The St John’s tuckshop adopts the Smart Choices strategy for Queensland schools to ensure we offer healthy food and drink choices for our students.
The foods we choose reflect the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and work around the premise that we:
Stock and sell mostly ‘green food’ choices in our tuckshop
Stock and sell limited ‘amber food’ choices in our tuckshop
Do not stock or sell ‘red food’ choices in our tuckshop
Where possible, our tuckshop makes home-made healthy food choices which are standard menu items as well as fortnightly specials.
To ensure our tuckshop is able to run smoothly each class is allocated 1-2 days to volunteer or donate each term. This rotational roster is communicated to all classes via the newsletter and class dojo. Any time you have to spare is highly valued by our school.
Our tuckshop is open both breaks on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and all orders must be place by 8.20am.
All orders must be placed online via Quickcliq at
Any issues with the online ordering system please contact Quickcliq via 1300 11 66 37 or